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The Point of Scripture (John 5:39-47)(01/18/2025)

The Point of Scripture (John 5:39-47) Living Life 01/18/2025 Daily Devotional Bible Study


The Point of Scripture


Welcome to living life. 

As we step into the new years the weather has turned much colder 

The viting winds and trouble news from the various places remind us of the challenges we face 

in this trying time and then let us pray for one another and then draw strength together to overcome.


Today's message focuses on the story of a man who had been paralyzed for thirty eight years 

unable to move and he was miraculously healed by Jesus.

However this healing took place on the seventh.

The Jewish leaders criticized and questioned the digges for the performing such an act of that day.

In response Jesus spoke about his authority as a son of God and then went on to explain why the scriptures are essential and then to whom they ultimately point and then let us listen attentively to today's passage and reflect on its profound truth.


The Point of Scripture



The Point of Scripture



John Chapter five verses thirty nine to forty seven

39 You study the scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very scriptures that testify about me
40 yet you refuse to come to me to have life.
41 "I do not accept glory from human beings
42 but I know you I know that you do not have the love of God in your hearts.
43 I have come in my father's name, and you do not accept me;
but if someone else comes in his own name you will accept him.
44 How can you believe? Since you accept glory from one another but do not seek the glory that comes from the only God
45 "But do not think I will accuse you before the father Your accuser is Moses on whom your hopes are set.
46 If you believed Moses you would believe me for he wrote about me
47 But since you do not believe what he wrote how are you going to believe what I say?"


The Jewish spiritual leaders of Jesus's time, Farises Seduches and scribes and teachers of the law were deeply devoted to studying the Hebrew Bible which include the Torah the prophets and the writings.

By age 10 Jewish boys were usually expected to have memorized the entire Torra the devotions the Scrip and highlights the importance of understanding of the words of God.

In today's passage Jesus addresses a critical issue.

The religious leaders diligently study of the scripture while missing their ultimate purpose.

In John chapter five thirty nine Jesus said you study the scriptures diligently because you thinks that in them the you have eternal life.

These are the very scriptures that testify about me.

These leaders were experts in the scripture knowing the law and the prophets and the insight of inside and out. 

Yet despite their religious study they failed to recognize the one to whom the scriptures pointed.

Jesus acknowledges their diligence but rebukes them for turning the means into the end.

They had to memorize the countless rules and regulations but miss out the essence of the scripture encountering the living God.

Scripture is not merely a collections of laws and a teaching it is a sign posts point to Jesus Christ the word of God.

The Old Testament contains over 300 pphesizes about the messiah all of which Jesus fulfilled from the Genesis to Mlachai.

The scripture testified about the Jesus as a fulfillment of God's promises.

Why did the religious leader argue with the Jesus center rejected him.

One reason was that their pide and then they were more concerned with the human approval than with the glorifying God.

Their self righteousness blinded them to their need for the savior preventing them from the recognizing Jesus as a messiah.

Jesus highlighted their reverence for Moses whom they regarded as the gray low giver yet they misunderstood Moses's writing.

Jesus reveals that Moses himself testified about him saying in verse 46 and 47 if you believe the Moses you would believe me for he wrote about me.

But since you do not believe what he wrote how are you going to believe what I'm saying?

From the genesis to the Dronomy Moses lay out the patterns and the promises that find their fulfillment in Christ sacrificial system the pass over land and the countless in prophecies all points to Jesus.

However without eyes of a faith the religious leaders could not see him at the fulfillment of these promises.


What are your motivations for studying Scripture and what do you hope to find in it?




Jesus's words in John Chapter 5, 39 through 47 are called to align our heart with the God's purpose for his words The scripture are not an end in themselves but a, pathway leading us to Jesus the source of the eternal life.

Let us not fall into the same trap as a, religious leaders who study the scripture diligently but miss out the true meaning of a messiah.

Instead let us approached the scripture with an open heart asking how does this reveal Christ to me?
Let's pray




Dear Father thank you for giving us the words of God.
Those words of God all talks about the Jesus Christ inside out 
and then let us not just start falling into the same trap you know, trapped over in a, pride so we missed out 
You know why we have those scripture You know why those in the scriptures are pointing out whom we have to believe to you know Father through by the, by the you know, faith you know Let us know that you know this scripture
not to just give us knowledge 
not to just, you know, point it out You know what we should do but it is a, talking about the eternal life Jesus Christ 
No Father let us open our eyes by faith.
Let us understand the words of God and then find you know, Jesus Christ who came to the Earth to give us an eternal life.
Thank you.
In Jigious name we prayed together