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Authentic Living (John 5:30-38) (01/17/2025)

Authentic Living (John 5:30-38) Living Life 01/17/2025 Daily Devotional BIble Study


Daily Devotional BIble Study


Hello everyone welcome to Living Life.

I'm so glad you are able to join us today and pray that through our devotional today the Lord will speak to comfort us and encourage us.

Today's title I really love her title today which is called the Authentic living.

We live in a culture or perhaps a society where authenticity is highly valued 

even when it comes to food We like authentic food we like authentic people we like authentic relationships right?

But as we love on the word authenticity or the concept of when we apply this to our Christian walk and Christian journey with our Lord Jesus we want to slow down and ask what does that mean to live authentically as followers of Jesus?

And that's what I'd like to consider today in our passage and in our devotional today.

So let's turn our attention to God's Word


Authentic Living


Authentic Living


John Chapter five verses thirty to thirty eight

30 By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me.

31 "If I testify about myself, my testimony is not valid.
32 There is another who testifies in my favor, and I know that his testimony about me is valid.
33 "You have sent to John and he has testified to the truth.
34 Not that I accept human testimony; but I mention it that you may be saved.
35 John was a lamp that burned and gave light, and you chose for a time to enjoy his light.

36 "I have testimony weightier than that of John. For the very work that the Father has given me to finish, and which I am doing, testifies that the Father has sent me.
37 And the Father who sent me has himself testified concerning me. You have never heard his voice nor seen his form,
38 nor does his word dwell in you, for you do not believe the one he sent.



So in our passage today our Lord Jesus reveals that the way in which for us to live authentically as Christ's followers is really or starts by knowing who Jesus truly is.

In our passage Jesus reveals himself in three ways that through which we can know who Jesus is.

The first thing he says is that you can know who I am by the witness of John the Baptist.

Second Jesus says you can know who I am by my own works.

And third Jesus says you can know who I am by the very own voice of God the Father.

So in three ways let's understand our passage together.


So John the Baptist who was John the Baptist?

He was a fateful witness of the Lord Jesus 

his entire ministry even when there's many people follow him and said you are the prophet you must be the savior.

He said I am not the messiah I am not the prophet I am just the one who points

to the one who comes after me who is greater than I am.

So his entire ministry was just to point others to the coming Messiah His name is Jesus.

You will remember in recognizing our passage in verse thirty five 

Jesus says John referring to John The Baptist was a lamp that burned and gave light.

He sacrificed his entire life and his fame to point others to Christ right?

So remember John the Baptist at one point earlier in John chapter 129 he said

'look the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.'

How was John the Baptist able to lay down his own ego or perhaps his name and fame and just all give the glory to our Lord Jesus because he recognized who Jesus truly was.


Second way we can know who Jesus is is by his own works.

You notice in verse 36 he says For the works that the Father has given me to finish the very works that I am doing testify that the Father has sent me.

And oftentimes the very miracles Jesus performed they were not meant to just reveal his own power.

The signs these are the signs not miracles.

Bible makes it clear what Jesus performed were not mere miracles but these are signs dur which God's glory will be revealed and through which Jesus's own identity as the son of God would be revealed right?

And the third thing we see is we can know who Jesus is by the very own voice of God the Father.

In verse 37

Jesus says and the Father who sent me has himself testified concerning me.

And if you remember in Matthew 317 at the baptism or Jesus 

Jesus baptism God spoke the father spoke with the OTT of a voice he said and a voice from Heaven said 

This is my son whom I love with whom I am well pleased.

But so many people still fail to hear God's voice and to see Jesus as the son of God.

Why is that? Jesus says because you don't believe

in the one whom God sent referring himself 

I am the Messiah I am the savior God sent and you don't believe me.

Then regardless of how many hours or how many how much effort you put into just know God through the word you will not understand a single word of it.

Why is it? 

Because the word of God ultimately points us to Jesus himself.

So the question for us to ask is 

is the word of God as we read is it leading us to the Lord Jesus?

Is it shaping our thoughts and ways of our walk to be more like Jesus 

and is it giving us that hope that can only be found in Jesus or are we taking especially in the early part of 2025 I know many of us are on fire for Bible reading and studying the Bible and doing what's the end result?

Are we drawing nearer to the low or are we just being more moral and ethical and see the end result and I want us to examine is the word of God leading me to Christ?

So let's take a moment and let's just ask the world where we are.


What difference has reading Scripture made in how you relate to Jesus?





So our Lord Jesus once again asked us the question Do you see me in?

Do you see me as I am through the word through the work of the spirit?

And if it doesn't the ministry or the word or the prayer doesn't lead us to prayer we're missing out what's essential and what's really at the core of the whole point of what we do.

Authentic living as Christ followers starts with recognizing who Jesus truly is.

So let's slow down and for the rest of our days today let's ask the questions

such as who am I in Jesus who is Jesus right?

And as I read my scripture what does the scripture tell me or point me about Jesus?

And in that let's give thanks to the Lord for he came to us by his grace.

So let's pray


Our prayer as we study meditatively is always that God would meet with us and speak sepcifically to us, for ultimately the Word of God is God speaking.


God, thank you for your word.
Lords we just keep thinking and meditating on what it means to follow you faithfully and live as authentic.
Ah Christ's followers Lord, would you bless your people
in a, way that will be able to recognize some hidden parts of our soul where we don't recognize you or see you as, 
as the Lord as, as, as you truly are and I pray that you will ah, bring us back to the right track and so that we can see you as you are.
So as we continue our walk with you pray that may our love and desire and passion be deepened of our Lord Jesus.
So be with us Lord in Jesus name we pray 

